Snow Elementary School

District Calendar

Official Calendars

Parent Connect

Grades, attendance, and student information system

Student Portal

Student links and resources.

Welcome to Snow Elementary School

Preschool and Kids Club Sign Up

Parents,There is still time to enroll in our Preschool and Kids Club Programs at your school. Please see the Links on your school's blog here. The link is on the left hand side of your school's blog site. Click either Explore Preschool to enroll in Preschool OR Kids...

Supply lists

Dear Snow Families, The start of school is just around the corner. School sales are beginning so I wanted to share the optional school supply lists but together by our teachers. To view the lists visit: Snow Elementary supply lists for all grades. School begins on...

GOTR and STRIDE 5K Run to Complete their Spring Season at Lake St. Clair Metropark!

STEM Middle School Admissions

For the incoming 6th grade class for the 22-23 school year, STEM will keep the traditional entry criteria for 45 out of 60 available seats thru a lottery based on meeting the below criteria: NWEA READING - 8OTH Percentile = 223NWEA MATH - 80TH Percentile = 232 For the...

Traffic Enforcement

Dear Snow Community, As you know we have had difficulties during entrance and dismissal. The dearborn police will be enforcing traffic rules next week by issuing tickets. Please be cognisant of the traffic rules. Thanks in advance.

covid 19 identification

A confirmed cases of coronavirus (Covid-19) has been identified at school. We are working closely with the Wayne County Health Department to identify exposures and prevent further cases. This letter is informational only; no further action is required for you at this...

Online Safe Box

Being bullied? Want to report an unsafe or potentially dangerous situation? Please fill out this anonymous form.

Click here: Safe Voice Form

In case of an emergency, please dial 911.

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