Snow Elementary School

District Calendar

Official Calendars

Parent Connect

Grades, attendance, and student information system

Student Portal

Student links and resources.

Welcome to Snow Elementary School

Waste Free Lunch Thursday, March 16

Snow students are encouraged to participate in a Waste Free Lunch this Thursday, March 16. Waste Free Lunch Q: What is a Waste Free Lunch? A: It is where students are encouraged to have no trash left over from their packed lunches following these tips to Reduce,...

ACCESS for English Language Learners (ELL)

ACCESS for ELL's  ACCESS for ELLs is an English language proficiency test designed to measure English learners' social and academic proficiency in English. This assessment is used to determine the English language proficiency levels and progress of ELs in...

Online Safe Box

Being bullied? Want to report an unsafe or potentially dangerous situation? Please fill out this anonymous form.

Click here: Safe Voice Form

In case of an emergency, please dial 911.

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