Snow Elementary School

School News

Day 2 of Penny Wars at Snow

Day 2 of Penny Wars is over!! Here are the points so far! Preschool  +1492 points Kindergarten  +258 points 1st Grade  +72 points 2nd Grade +1223 points 3rd Grade  +1271 points 4th Grade  +1388 points 5th Grade +5142 points Staff  -176 points Way to go 5th grade for...

Penny Wars at Snow

Day 1 of Penny Wars is in the books!! Here are the points so far! Preschool  +1150 points Kindergarten  +183 points 1st Grade  +4171 points 2nd Grade -255 points 3rd Grade  +27 points 4th Grade  +84 points 5th Grade +2780 Staff  -170 points Way to go 1st grade with an...

PTA Book Fair Door Decorating contest- winners

PTA Book Fair Door Decorating contest- winners

Thank you all again for participating in the Enchanted Forest door Decorating contest. Congratulations to Cindy Slater, Lana Sandakli & Evelyn Smith as our winners! Also, congratulations to Jennifer Guadiana for collecting the most money for the “All for books”...

Halloween at Snow

Dear Snow Families, A friendly reminder that if your child is planning on coming to school in a Halloween costume on Wednesday, please remember that we do not allow masks, weapons, or excessive makeup.  Thank you in advance.  Have a fun and safe Halloween!