Snow Elementary School

Penny War Update!

Penny Wars is still going strong!  Here are the points so far!
Preschool  +1288 points
Kindergarten  +2896 points
1st Grade  +1197 points
2nd Grade +2265 points
3rd Grade  +2 points
4th Grade  -1867 points
5th Grade -1488 points
Staff  -589 points
It is amazing how quickly the lead can change in one day!
Remember, pennies and bills count as positive points for your grade and put silver coins(nickels, dimes, and quarters) into other grades to give them negative points. Jugs are located in the office.
The winning grade or the staff(if they get out of the negative) will win a catered lunch provided by the PTA as well as gift certificates to Zap Zone and Benihana.
Penny Wars is helping the PTA pay for various items for the school and our students. So far this year we have paid for all of the student planners, a new projector for in the gym for various assemblies, part of the 5th grade camp bus as well as many other things including all of the buses for field trips, 5th grade promotion ceremony and the end of the year picnic. Thank you for supporting the Snow PTA!