Snow Elementary School

School News

Special Education Coordinator Interview Committee

The parent and staff committee interviews for the Special Education Coordinator position will be held on Thursday June 22, 2023 from 9am until 3pm at 18700 Audette Street in the Human Resources office of the Administrative Service...

Stranger Danger May 12, 2023

   May 12, 2023  Greetings,   This communication is being sent to all parents to inform you of an incident that occurred on May 10 near one of our elementary schools.  Today we were provided information from parents and Dearborn Police regarding...

Enrollment for free preschool starts April 28

Enrollment for free preschool starts April 28

Dearborn Public Schools’ Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) will start distributing applications on Friday, April 28 for the 2023-24 school year. GSRP is a state-funded preschool program students can participate in at no cost to eligible families.  To be...

Strategic Plan Invitation – Dearborn Schools 2023

Greetings, We are in the process of renewing Dearborn’s strategic plan. Strategic planning is a process in which our district leaders define their vision for the future and identify goals and objectives for the next three to five years. The process includes...

Snow Kindergarten Roundup

Please  take a moment to read the kindergarten roundup flyer. Kindergarten Roundup will take place on April 4th @9:30 am. in the Snow Cafeteria Kindergarten Roundup Flyer

Waste Free Lunch Thursday, March 16

Snow students are encouraged to participate in a Waste Free Lunch this Thursday, March 16. Waste Free Lunch Q: What is a Waste Free Lunch? A: It is where students are encouraged to have no trash left over from their packed lunches following these tips to Reduce,...