Snow Elementary School

Snow Traffic and Safety Message Beginning Monday April 10th, 2023

Dear Snow Community,

In an effort to help better improve the traffic flow during entrance and dismissal, we are kindly requesting drivers dropping off students to follow the updated traffic flow map guidelines. Drivers following the flow of the map shown below will help us ensure safety for all students at this time. Students have had ample time to learn procedures for arrival and dismissal. This policy will help improve the flow of traffic and improve safety conditions for all stakeholders of the Snow Community. 

In addition, please do not park in handicap parking spots to drop off students unless you are actually in need of those spaces. Please only park in designated spaces to avoid double parking.

Please do not park in the bus lanes during arrival or dismissal because these need to be clear for the buses to park and drop off/pick up students.  Thank you for your help in following these updated guidelines to support student safety during our arrival and departure times.