Snow Elementary School

Snow Procedures Mid Year Reminder Letter

Dear Snow Families,

Happy Holidays! We have had a successful start to the school year and we want the second half to be even better!  

Snow students are thriving both academically and socially.  Our Overall Index Score, according to, has increased over the past 3 years from 72.58 to 97.44!  Multiple factors account for this score including growth and proficiency on multiple state tests, and student attendance. I am so proud of our students and staff for working so hard. Snow School is truly a great place to be!

Thank you for your continued support.  Here is a quick reminder about Snow policies and procedures.

Visitor Procedures: If you are visiting Snow, you will need to be buzzed in and go directly to the main office to sign-in.  A visitors sticker will be assigned to all visitors. After your visit, please sign out of the main office.  We ask that visitors not enter classrooms without permission for the safety of all students and to honor instructional time.

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures:

We are working to increase safety in the school parking lot.  If you drop off your child, please park in a parking spot and walk your child to the door.  If you are waiting in the drive up line, please stay in one lane and pull up to the first cone to allow for safety and efficiency.

All students should be lined up with their classes at the proper doors.  Teachers will greet students promptly at 8:30am. Students should not be at school without supervision before this time.  At 8:35am teachers will walk their classes into the school. The Pledge of Allegiance will be recited inside classrooms.

      Kindergarten:  Line up on blacktop on Culver Street, Door #1 

      1st Grade : Line up on blacktop on Culver Street, Door #1

      2nd Grade: Line up on blacktop on Culver Street, Door #2

      3rd Grade: Line up on blacktop on Houston Street, Door #11

      4th Grade: Line up on blacktop on Houston Street, Door #11

      5th Grade:Line up on blacktop on Houston Street, Door #11

Bus Riders (All grades): Lineup with class.  Students in grades 3-5 may enter Door 1 and proceed to their class lineup area on the Houston Street side.

 If it is raining or the wind chill is less than 20 degrees: Students enter the building through the lobby (Doors 1 and 10) at 8:25am and proceed to their classrooms and line up outside the classroom doors.

Breakfast Program: Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria, 8:15am-8:30am.  At 8:30am, students will be directed to proceed to their lineup area.  Students may enter through the lobby doors (10) to get to the cafeteria.

Dismissal Procedures: We are working to increase security at Snow.  For safety reasons, we ask that parents remain outside at dismissal. If parents/guardians decide to pick up their child before 3:35pm, you will have to be buzzed in and sign in at the main office as doors will remain locked until 3:35pm Students will be escorted by their teacher to their exit doors (same as entry doors). Bus riders will be escorted to the bus and Kid’s Club by specially-trained 5th grade students serving as Safety Coordinators. If you need to get your child before dismissal, you will need to sign your child out in the main office.  

Happy New Year,

Mrs. Alcodray, Snow Principal

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Arabicتؤكد مدارس ديربورن على توفير خدمات الترجمة بدون أي شرط.للحصول على هذه الخدمة المجانيّة ولفهم هذه الإستمارة  يرجى الإتصال بمكتب خدمات الطلاب على الرقم 8273005-

French Les écoles de Dearborn vous offrent le service de traduction sans aucune condition. Si vous souhaitez avoir le service gratuit pour comprendre le contenu de ce document, prière d’appeler le bureau de Services aux Etudiants 827-3005.

SpanishLas escuelas de Dearborn aceptan la afirmación de un padre que él o ella necesita ayuda con el idioma sin necesidad de corroboración adicional. Para obtener ayuda gratuita con la comprensión del contenido de este documento, por favor llame a la oficina de Servicios de los Estudiantes 827-3005 para recibir asistencia de traducción / interpretación.

ItalianScuole Dearborn accettare l’affermazione di un genitore che lui o lei ha bisogno di assistenza lingua senza bisogno di ulteriori conferme. Per aiuto con la comprensione del contenuto di questo documento, si prega di chiamare l’ufficio Student Services 827-3005 per la traduzione / interpretazione di assistenza. 

AlbanianShkolla DEARBORN pranojnë pohimin e të prindërve që ai ose ajo ka nevojë për ndihmë të gjuhës pa kërkuar vërtetim shtesë. Për ndihmë lirë me kuptuar përmbajtjen e këtij dokumenti, ju lutemi telefononi zyrën e shërbimeve për studentë 827-3005 për përkthim / interpretim ndihmë.

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