Here’s a link for volunteers to sign-up. Any volunteer who signs up and works a shift receives a 10% off purchases.
Please don’t feel you have to sign up in order to visit. Everyone is welcome to come anytime! And kids love having their parents come during their class visits to help them pick out books.
Just a reminder: if you send money on with your children, please remember to add 6% sales tax for all items. Thank you!
Here are the times each class is visiting:
MONDAY (Oct 23)
DeSantis: 10am
Grizzell: 10:30am
Slater: 2:30pm
Massey: 3pm
TUESDAY (Oct. 24)
Sherlock: 9am
Majetic: 9:30am
Dumke: 10am
Kearney: 1pm
Cullip: 1:30pm
Barakat: 2pm
Cummins: 2:30pm
Sabellico: 3pm
Preschool: 9am
Fleming: 9:30am
THURSDAY (Oct. 26)
Chase: 9am
Shene: 10am
Alsaad: 1:30pm
Charara: 2pm
Guadiana: 2:30pm
Krawczyk: 3pm
FRIDAY (Oct. 27)
last-minute shopping: 8:30am to 10:30am