Send A Sip… …To Our Friends In Flint! The citizens of Flint face a very serious and long term water crisis. People all across the state and country are stepping up to help and now we can too! ALL THIS WEEK, ALL DEARBORN PUBLIC SCHOOLS WILL BE COLLECTING CASES OF WATER FOR FLINT. THIS IS A DISTRICT WIDE EFFORT BY ALL OF OUR SCHOOLS. On Friday, January 29 a semi-truck, donated by an Oakman parent, will be in the parking lot of Oakman Elementary School from 9:00 am – 11:30 am. The same truck will be in the parking lot of the Administration Building from Noon- 3:00 pm. Depending on the time or location that is more convenient, schools can bring their collected water to either one of the locations to be loaded on the truck. At 3:00 pm the truck will deliver the water to the Friends of Flint Water Drive being held from 10am – 7pm at the Redford Jaycee Hall. The District has committed our support to this event which is being supported by cities and schools in our area.
Snow Elementary School