Snow Elementary School

For those taking WIDA test

Snow families,                                                               

We hope that this email finds you well.  We are reaching out to notify you about some important events that will be taking place within the next few weeks.

Starting on February 1st, our students that have been identified as ELL (English Language Learners) will be assessed in proficiency in these four domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

What is WIDA?

  • WIDA is a consortium of states dedicated to the design and implementation of high standards and equitable educational opportunities for English language learners.
  • The assessment is given annually to monitor students’ progress in acquiring academic English language proficiency. 
  • Students can exit the WIDA assessment if they score proficient in Reading/Writing or receive a 4.8 cumulative score.

What are the benefits of the WIDA Assessment?

The most important thing to know about the WIDA Assessment is that it is an assessment to find the student’s level of language proficiency and then creating support that will be the most beneficial for your child to achieve his or her goals.

This week, we will be calling parents of English Language learners to bring in their child to school to take part in the WIDA assessment.  Your child will not be marked absent for their online learning that day.  We will notify classroom teachers if your child will be missing sessions.  A recorded lesson will be available for them for what they missed.

Our school community is following social distancing protocols and wearing masks while we are in the building.  It is asked that you and your child also practice social distancing and wear a mask while in the school.

You will bring your child to the main doors (door #11)at 8:45 to complete a health screening form.  (Kindergarteners will have different time schedules, we will notify you of the time) After that has been completed, your child will be taken to be assessed.  Parents and guardians are not permitted to wait in the building at this time.  The testing window will be from 9:00 am -11:30 am.  We ask that you drop off and pick up your child promptly at the scheduled time to ensure that we have adequate time between testing sessions. If your child should finish the test before the scheduled allotted time, we may call you to come and pick them up. 

Please, let us know if you have any questions.  

Thank you,

Mr. Abdelfattah, Principal 

Snow Elementary 


Mrs. Saad, ELD (English Language Development) Specialist 

Snow Elementary
