Snow Elementary School

Dearborn Public Schools Continuity of Learning Plan

Elementary school

Teachers will check in with students at least twice a week via tools such as Google Hangouts, email or phone calls.  Students are expected to attend all Google Hangout sessions and engage in the work assigned by teachers. It is essential that parents/guardians and teachers continue to communicate so teachers are fully aware of the student’s well being and progress.

Middle school

Teachers will check in with students at least twice a week via tools such as Google Hangouts.  Students are expected to attend all Google Hangout sessions and to complete assigned work. Students and parents are expected to contact teachers if there are questions about instructional content and to communicate about the student’s well being and progress.  Participation in Hangouts and completion of homework are used to count attendance.

High school

Students are expected to attend all Google Hangout sessions and complete assignments.  These will be used to determine attendance. Students and parents are expected to contact teachers if there are questions about instructional content and to communicate about the student’s well being and progress. Students in ASAP (extended day for credit recovery) will have additional lessons and learning expectations. The last day of class for seniors is May 21. Seniors who were on track to graduate as of March 11, will graduate if they continue to engage in learning as required for the class.

Grading policy

Dearborn Schools has developed new grading policies for each level to be used during the school closure, while being mindful of the state order to do no harm to students. Students who cannot perform the work for reasons beyond their control, such as poor health for them or a parent, will not be penalized.  The District will make every effort to ensure students can access the work. Those who chose not to participate could be recommended for summer school or face not being allowed to continue to the next level next year.

Please see the grading policy for detailed descriptions of the closure grading at the elementary, middle and high school levels.

***Please see below for a copy of the Elementary School – Continuity of Learning Summary:

TO: Glenn Maleyko, Ph.D.

FROM: Jill Chochol, Ph.D.

DATE: 04/17/2020

SUBJECT: Continuity of Learning Plan Summary- Elementary School Level (Grades K-5)

Purpose of the Plan

Dearborn Public Schools Continuity of Learning plan was developed in response to Governor Whitmer’s Stay at Home Executive Order (E2020)-35) which suspended in-person instruction for our students for the remainder of the school year. The plan outlines the steps that district staff are taking to provide and support student learning during the school shutdown. 


Instruction will be delivered through the use of a variety of platforms such as ilearn or google classroom using technology or learning packets.  New learning and review of previous learning will be facilitated through the use of iReady, google classroom, IXL, teacher created lessons, hard copy materials, web-based instruction, and other online materials. Instruction may be digital or offline. Students without access to technology were provided opportunities for chromebook. Students with no access to the internet will communicate with their teacher and receive feedback on packets and assignments. Instructional time will be a balance of interactive lessons and independent activities.

Attendance and Participation

It is essential that parents/guardians and teachers continue to communicate so teachers are fully aware of the student’s well being and progress.  Students and parents are expected to contact teachers if there are questions about instructional content. Students are expected to attend all google hangout sessions and demonstrate active engagement in the work assigned by the teachers. Completion of assignments and participation in hangouts are used as evidence of attendance.  The continuation of learning continues until June 11th, 2020.

Assessment and Grading Guidelines 

Individual teachers will be responsible for assessing student progress and providing feedback.  Assignments will be graded.  Work completed prior to April 20th that demonstrates a student’s mastery of learning will count toward his/her grade.  Click here for Grading Criteria.

Consideration for Special Populations 

The specific needs of each special education student are outlined in the individual education plan (IEP) and regulated under state and federal law, consideration of special needs for continuity of learning.

English Language Learners receive differentiated instruction based on the English proficiency by the general Education teacher and the English Language Development Specialists.

Food Services 

The District will provide breakfast and lunch meals in 7 locations Monday, Wednesday and Friday (FHS, EFHS, DHS, WW, MC/Unis, Salina Inter., Smith). At this time food distribution is planned until the end of the 2019-20 school year. Continuation of the program throughout the summer will be determined at a later date. 

Please contact your teacher or building principal if you have any questions about this grading procedure or need further information.

Cost for the district 

The Continuity of Learning Plan will incur additional costs to the district. Any funding provided by the state or federal sources will be used to help in off-setting these costs. The District will follow normal budgetary procedures in regards to balancing the budget and reporting financial information to the Board of Education.