Dear Snow Families,
The Michigan Department of Education MDE has recently given Snow a school grade of letter “A”! Our students are performing and we want to continue to soar! During this time of shut down, we are going to work hard to continue student learning. We are asking all Snow families to do the following:
-iReady for a minimum of 2 hours per week.
-Read “Good fit” books. (K-2) 20 min daily, (3-5) 30-45 min daily.
-At least 1 lesson per day on Zearn.
-4th and 5th grade Khan Academy for 20 minutes daily.
-Grades 2-5 will receive assignments via Google Classroom.
There will be additional assignments based on classrooms/grades. Teachers and support staff will be monitoring student learning.
Please check your emails regularly! This will be the main method of communication between school and home. Phone calls will be made as necessary.
Due to the fact that we are moving to online learning for this period of shut down, please limit recreational screen time! (Social media, YouTube, video games, television, etc…)
Teacher Blogs:
- Ms. Barakat | barakam@dearbornschools.org | https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/barakat3/
- Ms. Bowdell | bowdels@dearbornschools.org | https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/sbowdell/
- Ms. Charara | charare@dearbornschools.org | https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/charare/
- Ms. Chase | chasen@dearbornschools.org | https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/chasen
- Ms. Cullip | cullipv@dearbornschools.org | https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/cullip/
- Mr. DeSantis | desante@dearbornschools.org | https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/edesantis/
- Ms. Fleming | flemind@dearbornschools.org | https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/dfleming/
- Ms. Guadiana | guadiaj@dearbornschools.org | https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/msguadiana/
- Ms. Grizzell | grizzed@dearbornschools.org | https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/grizzell
- Ms. Hussein| husseia@dearbornschools.org | https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/husseia/
- Ms. Kearney | kearneb@dearbornschools.org | https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/kearneybridgette/
- Ms. Majetic | majetir@dearbornschools.org | https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/majetic/
- Ms. Massey | masseyk@dearbornschools.org | https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/mrsmassey/
- Ms. Reslan | reslanf@dearbornschools.org | https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/reslan/
- Ms. Sandakli | sandakl@dearbornschools.org | https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/sandakli/
- Ms. Shene | shenew@dearbornschools.org | https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/shenew
- Ms. Sherlock | sherloj@dearbornschools.org | https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/mssherlock
- Ms. Slater | slaterc@dearbornschools.org | https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/slater/
- Ms. Sokoloski | krawcza@dearbornschools.org | https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/sokoloski/
- Ms. Smith | smithe@dearbornschools.org | https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/smithe
- Ms. Wilkie | wilkiec@dearbornschools.org | https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/wilkiec/
- Ms. Zak | makowsk1@dearbornschools.org | https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/makowsk1/
iReady, Moby Max, Khan Academy and Google Classroom all can be accessed through Clever. Directions to login will be posted on the Snow blog.
I will make announcements as I receive them on the Snow blog. Thank you in advance for supporting our students!
Amal Alcodray
Snow Principal