Snow Elementary School

Care to the CORE Event: Monday, April 23rd, 2018 – 2:15 p.m. till 3:15 p.m.

Care to Core logo

On Monday, April 23, every Dearborn Public School will highlight the great ways their school is working to create a safe school environment during the first-ever “Care to the Core Day.” Each school will participate in an activity or program that demonstrates programs that are centered on helping students resolve conflicts, understanding the impact of their behaviors, and creating a safer school environment.

Snow Elementary School will also be taking place in the festivities with a guest speaker talking to our school community, Mr. Ali Sayed.  Ali is the Founder and CEO of HYPE Athletics Community, the highly popular organization that offers athletics, fitness, education and social services to the entire Metro-Detroit area including but not limited to Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, etc.  Ali is also a member of the Dearborn Education Foundation, an officer position he has held for almost 10 years on the Board of Directors.  Ali is also a proud graduate of Dearborn High School where he graduated from in 1999.  

In addition, Snow Elementary School will be also be taking part in a “Care to the Core” Poem Contest, whereby students in grades K-5 will be able to write a poem to be shared during our assembly on being a leader and being an Upstander.  We encourage you to work with your child to create a poem that they would be proud to share in front of the entire school community on this day.  Here is the rubric:

Lastly, on this day, everyone school-wide will wear blue to take a stand against bullying and encourage acceptance, kindness and leadership.

The event is from 2:15 p.m. till 3:15 p.m.

Yours in Education,

Mrs. Amal Alcodray – Principal