Snow Elementary School

March is Reading Month at Snow Elementary School = Guests Galore!

Dearborn Council President Dabaja came by Snow Elementary to read to our students! 🙂

Dearborn Mayor John O’ Reilly, Jr. came in to read to our 1st grade students.

Principal Oke of Stout Middle School came by to not only read to our 5th grade Snow students, but also speak about transitioning from Snow Elementary School to Stout Middle School.  He took the time to answer students’ questions and give great advice to our curious minds on middle school classes as well as middle school athletics!


Honorable Dearborn Heights District Court Judge David Turfe came to read, but also impart wisdom to Ms. Alsaad’s 2nd grade students!

Board Trustee Mr. Jim Thorpe also came by to read to our students.  He was very entertaining and showed us all his great sense of humor, along with his ability to take a goofy pic with students as they ‘dab.’ 🙂

Former Snow Elementary Principal Dr. Ross Groover also came by to read and catch up with familiar faces! 🙂

Dr. Youssef Mosallam, Executive Director of the Edsel Ford Feeder Collaboration read to students and encouraged our students to always think.  Growing up, his favorite things to read were comic books; specifically Batman comic books! 

Mr. Pete Kotsogiannis, Assistant Principal at Edsel Ford High School came in last week Friday, March 16th, 2018 to read with our 3rd grade students!


Mr. David Mustonen, Director of Communications for the Dearborn Public Schools also came by to read to our 1st grade students.  He was soooo much fun!

Taekwondoe Master Hameed Dakroub visited Ms. Al-saad’s second (2nd) grade class to read to students, too.  Currently, he is ranked in 2nd place nationally.

Please view and listen to the book “He’s Been A Monster All Day” read by Mrs. Maysam Alie-Bazzi – Executive Director of Staff & Students Services for Dearborn Public Schools:

**Stay Tuned for more Guest Readers at Snow Elementary School this Month!