Snow Elementary School

Week in Review

Monday, March 19: Carry your favorite poem in your pocket (RM)

Tuesday, March 20: Guest Reader: Dr. Mosallam, 1 pm, TBD
Tell someone about your favorite book (RM)
LIM Lighthouse Meeting, Art Room, 7:45
Special Area Teacher M-Step Meeting, Office, 8:40
LIM Reward: NO special Area schedule
Please follow the schedule below. Students attending the Rethink Program should meet in the art room.

Tuesday, March 20:

9-945: Kindergarten

950-1035: 1st grade

1040-1125: 2nd grade

12-1245: 5th grade

1250-135: 3rd grade

140-225: 4th grade

230-3: MOCI

Chess Club, 3:45-4:30, cafeteria

Wednesday, March 21: Read in the dark with a flashlight (RM)
PTA Cookie Dough Pick Up, 3-6 pm, cafeteria
NO Art Club

Thursday, March 22: Guest Reader: Foyid Mockbill, 9, TBD
Read song lyrics today (RM)
Lockdown Drill, 1:30
Parent Teacher Conferences, 4-7 pm
Kindergarten Round Up, 6-7 pm

Friday, March 23: Breakfast:
Keep your favorite joke in your pocket to share (RM)
Stout meets with 5th grade, 9:30-10:30