Snow Elementary School

Field Day T-Shirts for sale starting Monday, May 1!!


Dear Snow School Community:  our annual Field Day this year is Friday, June 9.  We are offering everyone the opportunity to purchase a Field Day t-shirt to be worn on that day.  You might consider buying the shirt slightly larger than needed right now so that it can be worn for a while.  Parents are welcome to purchase shirts, too!

Our Field Day shirts are only $5!  If you need a size from 2XL up there is an additional charge, please see the order form.

We ask that you fill out one order sheet per child as the color of the shirt changes for early elementary (Preschool-3rd grade) and upper elementary (4th and 5th grades).  There is a Volunteer option, too.

Preschool through third grade will wear RED shirts

4th and 5th grades will wear IRISH GREEN shirts

Volunteers will wear SAFETY GREEN (like a neon yellow- green)

***If you would like to volunteer to help out please email or and we will send you home a shirt order form.  You can also send in a note to either person and we will respond.  Eventually there will be a Sign Up Genius for volunteering.  The Field Day, June 9, is Preschool through 3rd grade before lunch, 4th and 5th grades after lunch.

Please fill out the form and return it with CASH by MAY 25!  No late orders, re-orders, exchanges or returns.  Orders can be given to Mrs. Zechar or Mr. Moyer.

Thanks!  Mrs. Zechar and Mr. Moyer