There will be a meeting of parents who would like to be involved in refining procedures for arrival and dismissal on Monday, September 19 at 6:00 PM in the Media Center. All are welcome to participate.
Year: 2016
Reminder: Open House is tonight 6:00-7:30
Please join us tonight at Open House, 6:00-7:30 PM. See your child's classroom, join the PTA and see our school. There is no set program but please stop by if you can!
Parents/Staff invited to participate on Task Force for arrival and dismissal procedures
Good morning, It seems that there are many complaints and some confusions about our new arrival and dismissal procedures. We absolutely don't want students walking through the parking lot at arrival or dismissal for obvious safety reasons. I encourage parents who have...
Join us Sept. 20th for a College Fair
Dearborn Public Schools is pleased to host the Dearborn Schools MACRAO College Fair September 20, 2016 6:30pm-8:00pm Ford Community and Performing Arts Center 15801 Michigan Avenue, Dearborn 48126 Representatives from more than 60 different post-secondary schools will...
No School on Monday, Sept. 12
Please enjoy a nice long weekend as there is no school on Monday, September 12. Happy Eid to our students and families who are celebrating!
Arrival & Dismissal Changes
Hi Parents, Thank you for your patience as we work out our new Arrival and Dismissal procedures. Effective Tuesday, Sept. 13, the following changes will be in place: Kindergarten – Line up on the Culver side of the school. Kindergarten classes will enter and exit...
Camp Pinewood meeting this Thursday
Hi 5th Grade Parents! The teachers would like to invite you to a meeting to hear about the plans for Camp Pinewood. The meeting will be this Thursday, Sept. 8 at 6:30 in the cafeteria. We will also be sending the information home if you can't make it. 5th grade...
Class Lists are posted!
The class lists for the 2016-2017 school year are posted on the lobby windows, adjacent to Door 10. The line up number is also posted. Numbers 1-6 are on the Culver St. side and numbers 9-18 are on the Houston St. side. Please check the Welcome Back letter you...
New traffic patterns at Snow!
Effective Tuesday, September 6, we are reversing the traffic pattern from last year. Once again, the buses will drop off on Culver Street and primary car traffic will be diverted to Houston Street. For our students’ safety, there can be NO stopping or parking in the...
Arrival: We will be strengthening our school community by beginning each day together for the Pledge of Allegiance and Morning Announcements. All students will line up with their class at 8:35 (first bell). Teachers will greet students promptly at 8:40; students and...