The office is now open at Snow. Please call us at 313-827-6250 or stop in between 8:00 and 4:00 if you need to register your child, make an address change or need any other information. Opening day and other information will be mailed to the home address of each registered student early next week. Classroom/teacher assignments for students in grades 1-5 will be posted on the lobby windows no later than 4:00 PM on Friday, Sept. 2. Kindergarten students receive their teacher assignments on Friday afternoon, Sept. 9.
School begins at 8:35 on Sept. 6 and is dismissed at 11:45 for all students, grades K-5th. Kindergarten students will be dismissed at 11:45 Sept. 7-9. while students in grades 1-5 will attend a full day, with dismissal at 3:35. There is no school on Monday, Sept. 12.
Please pay close attention to the arrival and dismissal information in your back-to-school letter, as these procedures are changing. The new procedures will also be posted on the website.
Enjoy the last weeks of summer vacation and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Dr. Groover