Dear Parents,
Dearborn Public Schools is pleased to provide a “Jump Start” program for incoming kindergarten students during August of 2016. The purpose of the Jump Start program is to provide an orientation and introduction to the kindergarten teacher and staff members of your school in a group smaller than their class size and in a manner designed to acquaint them with school so that the first few weeks of kindergarten are positive and successful.
The Jump Start program at Snow Elementary School is scheduled for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, August 23-25 from 9:00-11:00 AM. Your child is invited to participate. Both of our kindergarten teachers, Mrs. Saad and Ms. Stetz, as well as our art teacher, Ms. Zechar, and our gym teacher, Mr. Moyer, will be here to play games and introduce your child to our school.
Please confirm your child’s attendance by calling the school office at 313-827-6254, or emailing the Principal, Dr. Ross Groover at You are invited to join other new kindergarten parents for coffee and conversation in the Media Center during the Jump Start program. Please be sure your registration paperwork is turned in to the office prior to the Jump Start program. The Snow School office will reopen at 8:00 AM on Monday, August 22.
Thank you for your interest and support of your child as they begin their career in school.