Snow Elementary School

Check out what’s happening with Leader in Me at Snow!

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Welcome to Leader in Me!

Snow School is excited to begin the journey of being a Leader in Me school this year.  Each new school year brings opportunities for academic growth and growth in all areas of development. Although children must be knowledgeable when they graduate, they must also be healthy, engaged, responsible, and caring people. The Leader in Me provides Snow School with the vision and language to lead the school in a way that addresses all areas of development. As each child discovers and develops his or her unique gifts and talents, they are given opportunities to lead. As leaders, they become active, engaged partners in their own education and their self-confidence, responsibility, and initiative grows. The children quickly understand the benefits of different gifts and talents; they learn to listen to new ideas, work together to achieve results, and motivate one another to be the best. We hope your school enjoys sharing these new opportunities. Together, you will watch each and every child grow throughout the year.

Leader in Me is based off The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. A great way to support the Leader in Me is to use the 7 Habits language at home. As the school year unfolds, the children are learning the language and meaning of the 7 Habits. By hearing the same language at home and at school, you send the children a strong message of what you believe is important and that we are all on the same team—the team that wants to help succeed. When parents and schools support one another, the sky is the limit! Below is a summary of each of the habits:

Habit 1: Be Proactive (You’re in Charge)

Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind (Have a Plan)

Habit 3: Put First Things First (Work First, Then Play)

Habit 4: Think Win-Win (Everyone Can Win)

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood (Listen Before You Talk)

Habit 6: Synergize (Together Is Better)

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw (Balance Feels Best)

Adapted from the Leader in Me Newsletters by Dr. John and Jan Covey