Snow Elementary School

Monster Book Fair

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Monster Book Fair Coming Soon!
The Scholastic Book Fair will be here next week, October 13-16! Students will visit with their class and it will be open after school Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday until 4pm. Also, Wednesday is the MONSTER Book Fair Family Night, when the book fair will be open from 5:30 to 7pm. There’ll be some scary fun things to do, prizes to be won, and good books to read! Volunteers are needed during class visits, after school and Wednesday evening–help kids shop, decorate, bake monster goodies-any and all help is appreciated! There’s an online sign-up link:  Contact or text 313-410-9521 if you have any questions or want to volunteer. We are also participating in Scholastic’s All for Books campaign to update our classroom libraries. Bring in your spare change and the class with the most change will get to turn Dr. Groover into a mummy!
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