Snow Elementary School

This Just In

Peace Pole Dedication

Please join us on Friday, October 10, at 2:45 as we dedicate our new Peace Pole at Snow School.  There will be a short program including a musical number by 4th and 5th grade students.  PBIS September party attendees will have Pinwheels for Peace on display at our site.  We would love to have you join us!

Dear Snow School Families,

     We have an exciting new addition to our PBIS Program at Snow this year.  Each student will be given a lanyard at the first party they attend this year.  We have one lanyard for each student, so no matter when your child makes their first party, they will receive the lanyard.  It reads, “Matrix Master” and will hold a small token or trinket given out each month at the party.  Each month will be different.  Students can only earn the token for the months they participate in the party; they will not receive any tokens for the month(s) they missed.  The lanyard is the responsibility of the student that earned it!  Teachers will not be collecting them.  If your child loses the lanyard it will not be replaced.  This is not being done to be mean, just to teach responsibility and to help keep our costs down.  We are hoping that the students will really value this unique recognition and take good care of it.  This was presented to the student body at our building assembly on Friday, September 5. We look forward to your support in continuing the strong PBIS program at Snow School.

Thanks!  The Snow School PBIS Committee