Snow Elementary School

Summer Learning Opportunites

Summer Learning Opportunities

(Information is also available on the Dearborn Schools website:

Our Media Center will be open all summer!  Please come in for fun activities, computer access and to check out books.  Hours are:

Tuesdays 1:00-4:00

Thursdays 9:00-12:00


What?  MyOn is an online library with over 8000 books for preschool through high school

Go to

School Name: Type in your school

User Name: Type in your student number (available on report card)

Password: Type in your birthdate as mmddyyyy (March 5, 2008 = 03052008)



Online learning in reading, math, science, social studies

Go to www.

School Name: Type in Snow E and be sure to select Dearborn, Michigan

User Name: Type in your student number (available on report card)

Password: Type in your birthdate as mmddyyyy (March 5, 2008 = 03052008)


Keep learning all summer long!  Have a safe and fun summer!